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Friday, April 18, 2008

Attend April 21st, 9:30 am Court Hearing

Show Your Support for Election Transparency

Monday, April 21 9:30am
Judge Michael Miller’s Courtroom

Sixth Floor Pima County Superior Court
110 West Congress

Judge Miller’s ruling established a nationally significant precedent that established computerized election database records as public records. The Pima County Democratic Party pleading requested the release of all computerized databases. Although Judge Miller ordered databases from the 2006 primary and general elections released, Pima County attorneys fought to dictate the terms of the transfer. Pima County Democratic Party Chair Vince Rabago and Attorney Bill Risner won that skirmish, forcing the county technical staff to transfer data to a new laptop out of the box, to prevent any corruption of data in public view of a video camera. Only a united expression of multipartisan objection stopped the Board of Supervisors from following the County Attorney’s advice to appeal Judge Miller’s ruling. In face of public opposition the Board reversed itself and agreed to release the database from the RTA election because citizens stood up and demanded to be listened to.

Monday’s Hearing will focus on release of the rest of the election databases from 1995 going forward. Release of all databases will allow computer analysts at the University of Arizona to analyze all Pima County computerized databases to facilitate the development of a software tool capable of detecting irregularities in computer data that need further investigation. Depositions from top national computer security experts with election experience concur that there is no security risk from releasing data from past elections. Yet County Administrator Chuck Huckleberry has thrown up a smokescreen by misrepresenting the facts to justify withholding public records.

Transparent elections depend upon the release databases after every election.

Sandra Spangler
Acting Chair, Pima County Democratic Party Election Integrity Committee

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